Sunday, May 29, 2011

Thomas' Photos

Thomas was 6 weeks old in these photos. 
Thank you Desiree (Double Take Photography DFW) for taking such wonderful photos!

You are our


Our only 


You make us


when skies

are gray.

You will always know


how much

we LOVE you!

Please don't take

our SUNSHINE away!

Keep the faith,

Family Pictures

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family"
~Anthony Brandt

Keep the faith,

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sneak Peek at Our Family Photos!

Keep the faith,

Favorite part of the day!

Thomas' favorite part of the day!

Brandon's favorite part of the day!

Lauren's favorite part of the day!

Keep the faith,

Easter 2011

Happy Easter!

We spent part of Easter weekend in Wheeler visiting family and friends.  Brandon, Thomas, and I spent Easter Sunday at home. 

The Easter bunny visited Thomas Easter morning. 

The Easter bunny brought Thomas two outfits and a book, and he was so excited (hahaha)!!!

Some of his cute Easter outfits!

Hoppy Easter!  From the Chicks

I hope you enjoy the following pictures of Thomas in his Easter outfit!
Looks like he is playing the air guitar!

Look at his chicken legs and big feet!

We didn't get any pictures of the three of us, just Thomas!

Hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter. It is such a wonderful 
time of celebration, knowing that we serve a risen Lord

Keep the faith,